HIVIZ manufactures fiber optic and trititum sights for pistols, shotguns and rifles.
HIVIZ NiteSights features the latest technology in an ultra-durable, laser-sealed tactical tritium lamp to provide years of service and stand up to the roughest use.
HIVIZ LiteWave fiber optic sights feature an innovative, diagonal-wave design that increases durability to the protective exoskeleton and allows for more exposed surface area for the LitePipe to gather light from all angles, for the brightest sight available.
HIVIZ Overmolded Sights have a clear resein overmold lock, adding durability for extreme uses.
HIVIZ Adjustable Rifle Sights are front and rear sights built for popular rifle models with elevation and windage adjustability, as well as the trademark HIVIZ light gathering sight picture.
Universal 1/2" front sight for rifles with 3/8" dovetails
Fits S&W M&P Fullsize and Pro in 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45ACP
Universal 1/4" front sight for rifles with 3/8" dovetails
Fiber optic rear sight for Glock .45 ACP, 10mm, .45 GAP
Installation tool for all Glock front sights
Front and rear sights for Henry .22LR
Fits FNS and FNX-40 with blade height of .198"
Fits FNS and FNX-40 with blade height of .213"
Fits MKII, MKIII and others
Rear sight for HK45/45C, P30/P30-L, and VP9/VP40
Fiber optic front sight for Ruger SR22
Pinned front sight for 1.8" and 2.1" S&W revolvers
Fiber optic rear sight for CZ 75, 85, and P-01
Fiber optic rear sight for Glock 42/43
Fiber optic rear sight for Glocks in 9mm, .40 S&W, and .357 SIG
Fiber optic rear sight for fullsize and compact M&P
Fiber optic front sight for Colt 1911 - Wide tenon
Front and rear shotgun sight system
Fiber optic front sight fo Novak dovetail
Fiber optic front sight for Redhawk and Super Redhawk
Fiber optic adjustable rear sight for Glock
Fits Ruger LCR and LCRx in .38 and .357
Fiber optic rear sight for Ruger American pistols
Universal 3/8" front sight for rifles with 3/8" dovetails
Tritium sights for Glock 9mm, .40 S&W, and .357 Sig
Tritium sights for Glock .45 ACP, 10mm, and 45 GAP
Tritium sights for Sig Sauer P-Series (except P250) - No. 6 front, no. 8 rear
Tritium sights for Sig Sauer P-Series (except P250) - No. 8 front, no. 8 rear
Tritium sights for Smith & Wesson M&P (excluding M&P 22)
Tritium sights for Smith & Wesson M&P Shield
Tritium sights for Springfield XD, XDM, and XDS
Fiber optic front sight for CZ 75, 85, 97, P-01, and 83
Fiber optic front sight for Glock - .080" diameter
Fiber optic rear sight for S&W M&P Shield in 9mm and .40 S&W
Fiber optic front sight for S&W M&P fullsize, compact, and Shield
Fiber optic front sight for Springfield XD, XDS, and XDM
Fiber optic rear sight for Springfield XD, XDM, and XDS
Fiber optic front sight for Glock - .120" green LitePipe
Fiber optic front sight for Ruger P Series
Fiber optic front sight for Glock - .120" red LitePipe
Fiber optic front sight for Ruger GP100
Fiber optic front sight for HK45/45C, P30/P30-L, and VP9
Fiber optic front sight for Ruger SR9
Fiber optic front sight for HK USP Compact - 6.2mm sight height
Fiber optic front sight for HK USP Compact - 6.2mm sight height
Fiber optic rear sight for all HK USP models
Fiber optic front sight for Taurus PT1911